[quote=zk]Getting us “used to being …violated and screened?” I think it’s highly unlikely that anyone in that field is thinking that far ahead. And I think it’s paranoid to see the TSA screen people in a way that you don’t like and think that they’re “preparing” us for worse.[/quote]Actually they do think that far ahead. The real question is whether this is the real intent. Consider that it really doesn’t make us all that safer.. particularly in light of the Shoe Bomber, laser printer cartridge issue and others. Everything ignores the fact that the one Aircraft that did not make it to the target on 9/11, was because its passengers decided to be something other than sheep. Unfortunately most schooling seems to enforce the do-not-question, follow-like-sheep mentality.
Considering that the CIA/FBI had reports from agents in the field, of Arabs taking flying lessons in the United States and that these individuals didn’t seem to be that interested in ‘landing’; it brings up a question of a potential variant to a ‘False Flag’. True “False Flags” involve our own forces attacking the public. The variant would be allowing a preventable occurrence to occur, with the intent of using it to justifying further incursions to civil rights or other actions as you would with a true “False Flag”. True “False Flags” are quite damaging when they blow up in your face or get discovered. The variant isn’t, and could even be ‘spun’ as an ‘oops’ or ‘mea culpa’. Intent could be hard to prove on discovery.
NOTE: It is very easy to transport a Sidewinder or its equivalent. Range is about 3 miles… cost is only #38k. It works as a fire-forget. TSA is unable to do anything about these.