[quote=zk][quote=FlyerInHi]This what happens when news outlets like the Sun enable the pitchfork peasants.[/quote]
And Trump wouldn’t be where he is without Fox et.al. encouraging America’s pitchfork peasants….[/quote]This is another pompous statement. Fox News is on cable (and satellite) TV. One can’t get Fox News in their home in my area of SD County unless they sign up for a minimum $53.50 TV pkg (+ telecommunications tax and incl box rental) with a cable or satellite provider (just TWO providers to choose from around here). OR … spend hundreds setting up their own antenna system where they still would have a monthly fee of $15-$20. And $53.50 month presumes the customer already has high-speed internet service with that same provider! If they don’t (and just want to order TV service only), the price to get Fox News is $65-$70 month.
“Pitchfork peasants” can’t afford that expense every month. They are lucky if they have a rabbit-ear antenna which can still pick up local TV channels for free … that is, IF their local area broadcasting has not yet gone “all digital” (as it has in most areas of SD County).
The above comments are just another example of a broad brushstroke of the electorate painted by Piggs who are obviously wrapped up in their own fantastical delusions of how wonderful their own political views and ideologies are.