[quote=zk][quote=flu]you really think there is a massive blue wave?
Stats say that when then economy is humming along, incumbent party stays in control.[/quote]
My confidence in any kind of blue wave, even a small one, is waning. And it’s got nothing to do with the economy.
Many intelligent and (I had previously thought) reasonable people I know are actually truly afraid of the migrant caravan and immigrants in general (and will therefore be voting republican). Not in a, “they’re taking our jobs and we’re spending money on their welfare” way, which would be ignorant and stupid enough all by itself. But in a much more visceral, fearful of physical violence way. Which, when you consider the actual amount of danger they pose (especially compared to the many dangers that are actually out there), is unfathomably ridiculous.
It really is hard to believe that people are that stupid. But clearly they are.
I guess it really shouldn’t be that hard to believe, though. Kinda my bad for ever thinking otherwise. In truth, we’re just animals whose brains are wired for discerning threats to our immediate physical survival, and not for discerning the larger truth or truth in general or any specific truth in particular. That may have been an advantage in the natural world. But now that we’ve built a civilization, it seems to me that it’s a shortcoming.
It seems to me that a bigger, more important movement than the movements for equality for women, minorities, LGBTQ+, etc. would be a movement that acknowledges that shortcoming and teaches people how to recognize when that shortcoming is causing them to see as “the truth” something that is not the truth. I think that if people could see when that shortcoming is causing them to not think clearly, then there’s a good chance we wouldn’t even need those other movements.
Not that there’s a chance in hell that such a movement will ever happen. And it probably wouldn’t work anyway (because people are idiots). In reality, it’s just a silly dream of mine.[/quote]