[quote=CA renter]
My response to Brian should make clear my position on this. In the vast majority of cases that we’ve seen and experienced, the segregation is being done to prevent the “feminization” of boys; it’s not done to prevent the girls from becoming too masculine.
Here’s where you’re wrong:
Not wanting boys to be like girls is not the same as hating females. It’s not misogyny. Do you want boys to be like girls? Do you want girls to be like boys?
[quote=zk]I pointed out your erroneous assertion that not wanting boys to be like girls is the same as hating girls. (You had earlier said that the segregation of boys and girls was misogynistic). This, again, does not rely on the assumption that you wear misogyny-tinted glasses.[/quote]
This isn’t about “hating girls,” this is about hating the feminization of boys. I’ve bolded my quote so you can read it again. There is a reason for wanting to keep a boy from being “feminized.” What might that be? Does it exist on the same level as not wanting a girl to be “masculinized”? Why, or why not?
Yes, not wanting boys to be “like girls” can indeed be sexist, and possibly misogynistic. If you are opposed to the “feminization” of boys, then you obviously have very little understanding of the fact that genders are not nearly as binary as you seem to think they are. There are feminine boys who are way over on the “feminine” side of the spectrum, and there are masculine girls who are far on the “masculine” side of the spectrum. It is not binary, no matter how desperately you try to wish it into existence. Trying to force your erroneous beliefs about gender types on children is extremely unhealthy for the child. They need to determine for themselves how they want to be, without the external influences that seek to push them into a “socially acceptable” box.
And I said that the segregation was being done to prevent the “feminization” of boys. Based on your response, it would appear that you don’t like the “feminization” of boys (or the “masculinization” of girls, too?) and use this as a justification for gender segregation. So, it would appear as though you’re admitting that I was right.