Wow. You’re kind of making my point for me.[/quote]
Precisely which part of that article do you disagree with, and why? Please be specific and give us a valid reason — cite sources or give us some personal background information indicating your expertise regarding these movements — for why your position is the truthful one, and why the ZH article is wrong.
For the record, I was actively involved with these movements and can attest to what ZH is saying here. Many of the people who were involved with the original Tea Party (before being co-opted by the Republicans) were the same people who were involved with OWS…and many of these same people were involved in Bernie Sanders’ campaign (and were also involved with the Iraq war protests, etc.). If you have information that would conflict with my personal knowledge and experience regarding this topic, I’d be open to hearing about it.
And prior to the Tea Party and OWS, there was this protest, and never a peep from the MSM about it, either. Again, this is the same movement from this protest, to the (original/real) Tea Party, to Occupy Wall Street, to Bernie Sanders’ campaign. It’s all part of the same movement; it’s the MSM and the government/corporate leaders who have infiltrated and co-opted these movements that are framing these as separate movements in order to divide and conquer the masses who are rightly angered by the antics of our politicians and their corporate overlords.