[quote=zk]CA Renter, this is normally where I break out the facts and logic and evidence and reason. But that takes a lot of time, and you’ve shown that you’re immune to it anyway.
I spent many an hour countering your ridiculousness, and I proved, using your own words, that you were unambiguously wrong (my assertion was that you imagine people being motivated to segregate girls and boys for fear of feminizing boys. You said you did no such thing. And, right there on that thread, you did exactly that – you imagined me doing it. You accused me of doing it when I hadn’t). Yet you continued to insist that you were right.
So, if you can’t see, even when it’s unambiguously proven to you, that you’re wrong, why would I spend my time trying to convince you?
I will throw this out there, though, because I think it’s kind of funny:
Saying that OWS and the Tea Party protests were started for the same reason is like saying the “Free Mumia” movement and the “Execute Mumia” movement were started for the same reason: They were both angry that Mumia was in jail.
Sure, they both don’t like the state of government/corporate interaction. But if one wants less corporate influence on the government, and the other wants less government influence on corporations, then they don’t want the same thing.[/quote]
ZK, the only thing you proved on that thread was that you disagreed with me, and that was based solely on your opinion, not on facts or logic.
So, feel free to actually prove something based on facts and logic, and I will listen. So far on this thread, you’re just pulling more nonsense out of your behind and claiming that it is somehow more relevant or truthful vs. the experience of someone who was actually there.
Yes, OWS and the Tea Party started for the same reasons — to stop privatizing profits and socializing losses, and to get the government to stop favoring Wall Street (and corporations) over people. The story about the Tea Party being about small government or being opposed to Obamacare came well after it had already built a following that was focused purely on the bailouts of the financial sector. The movement gained such strength in such a short amount of time that the PTB freaked out and began infiltrating and redirecting the energy toward things like “big government” and Obamacare. This is very well known among those who were involved. Again, I was there, and you, quite obviously, were not.