Your claim that my “attempts to discredit me and pass me off as a troll are pathetic and typical,” would indicate that you know me already and have debated me in the past since you used the word “typical.” So, are you a disinformation troll, or are you Pri/zk’s alter ego?[/quote]
Here’s a perfect example of how you twist things around to fit the idea that you’re right, even when you’re not.
You want to believe that gogo can’t be right (and therefore you wrong) so you want to discredit him. So you say (and, apparently, believe) that gogo’s claim – that you trying to discredit him and pass him off as a troll is typical – is evidence that he’s already debated you (and therefore he’s an alter ego). Anybody else who reads that claim of gogo’s (who has said he’s read this site for years) can see that his point is that it’s typical of you to try to discredit / pass off as a troll somebody who disagrees with you. Not to discredit and pass off him in particular as a troll. Not normally that important a distinction, but in this case, it’s a way for you to discredit him by trying to show that he’s an alter ego. I’m not sure how being an alter ego would make his points any less valid, but that’s not the point. The point is that you think it does, and therefore you want to believe it. And therefore you don’t see how you’ve misapplied logic. If you’ve got that 99th percentile IQ that you claim (and I have no reason to doubt that – high-IQ (which is different from smart) people can have believe-crazy-things issues and they can have seeing-when-they’re-wrong issues), then missing that bit of logic probably isn’t due to lack of intelligence. It’s probably due to yet another desperate attempt to not be wrong (in this case by discrediting the other person).
zk, the only people I’ve accused of being trolls are Pri and phaster. It’s pretty obvious that they are trolls — they are the very definition of trolls. But I’ve used this term very rarely, so in order for “gogogosandiego” to know that this is “typical” of me (it’s not), would mean that he/she would have had to closely follow some of the most divisive, lengthy, off-topic threads on this site where Pri or phaster really got obnoxious with their ad hominem attacks and off-topic posts. I find that highly unlikely for a simple lurker.
But this new “gogogosandiego” is different. He/she is either an alter-ego, or is likely paid. I say this because we know for a fact that there has been a very heavy increase in the volume of spam and troll attacks, particularly regarding this “fake news” issue, on political sites. I say this as an admin on political pages/sites and as someone who’s been in regular contact with other admins about this topic.