[quote=zk][quote=Blogstar] So,yeah it does make sense to see what we get compared to the proles in other regions because it will equalize. Just a matter of a few generations. [/quote]
When I say “it” could happen in a few generations, I’m not talking about a consortium. I’m talking about a much lower standard of living in first-world countries, and possibly a marginally higher standard of living in other countries.
I don’t see enough consensus happening for any kind of consortium. Ever. Then there’s the logistical nightmare.
Likely I didn’t understand what you meant by consortium. I’m curious what form you see this consortium taking and (generally) how it would be accomplished.[/quote]
Kind of hard to argue about the future. I doubt the “consortium” remains static in this evolution.
It doesn’t have to be the Bilderberg group. Though the Bilderberg group is looking like a pretty good possible ideological predecessor to what may come. It will probably be more and bigger players. Bilderberg, and other such groups, may even turn out to be surrogates.
I found it interesting from CaRenters wiki-link, that members of the group are worried about instability from the current Nation State paradigm. That’s what I said was an obvious factor. The motive for world government by elites is there. Progress is being made on that front.
I don’t think it will be all bad. I prefer it, even as a relatively poor person. It is evolution and can’t be stopped, only delayed. The hard part is that I would also prefer more honesty from Americans who are already deep into it. As I said before, This is pretty much anyone of wealth and power. It’s not a conspiracy, it is right in our faces.