[quote=zk]BG, your staunchest supporter writes a well-crafted, gentle post with constructive criticism, and your response is to point out where you think she’s wrong. And where other Piggs are worse than you. My question is this: Do you know you’re an insufferable boor and you don’t care? Or do you think other people are overreacting to you? Or do you see it some other way? I’m genuinely curious. [/quote]
I both agree and disagree with CAR on several issues, she knows this and I and consider her very intelligent. I don’t consider any Pigg to be my “staunchest supporter.” I think we are all individuals with our own life experiences and no one Pigg has a “staunch supporter” here who thinks they can say or do no wrong.
I have personally turned in a Pigg for continual “stalking” and they were subsequently banned from the forum. And they weren’t stalking me and it isn’t who you might think it is.
Another Pigg posted behavior here that could be construed to be stalking by a third Pigg and subsequently quit doing it within 24 hrs. And again, I was not the victim but was nevertheless horrified that they would post here exactly what they did, even if they DID do it unbeknownst to the victim, who undoubtedly later read it and never posted here again.
Both of these instances were comprised of actions which occurred both on and off the internet.
My commenting on another’s post on this and any other threads is NOT “stalking” under ANY of its definitions. It was due to someone posting about their situation and I commented my take on it.
As flyer posted, they’re going to do what they want, anyway, so what’s the point of posting a strong opinion and be criticized for it? He’s got a good point.
I myself have endured a LOT of jabbing, ribbing, and outright “insults” here over the years and the list goes on … but I would have to agree with flyer in this particular instance.
Maybe the Piggs just want to pat each other on the back … and that’s okay.
However, I think it would be more constructive if we could all discuss the elephant standing in the room. But that’s just me.
As I stated before, I’m entitled to my opinion and so are you and every other Pigg. When you, zk, and other Piggs spout your lengthy opinions here and post enough quoted material to fill a chapter, it doesn’t bother me a bit. I don’t have to read them if I don’t wish to.
Sometimes I see CAR notices the same problem with a post long before I notice it and likewise, responds to it.
No, I don’t “know everything.” There are several subjects which I consider myself a bit “handicapped” in. But what I DO know, I know very well.
Yes, I think said Pigg is a bit “thin-skinned” and is also carrying a chip on his shoulder. Especially since I stated up front that what I posted is not about them but instead the situation they previously posted about. I don’t even know this individual so how could it possibly be about them?
Okay, so sue me. I’ll admit that I’m one of the many thousands of “no-growth advocates” in CA. I came by my position on this issue honestly. zk, if you think I am an “insufferable boor” then you are free to “ignore” me.
I find a few posters here to be same, but realize many of their posts are borne of simple ignorance. So I reply in attempt to shed light on the problems with what they posted before the masses begin buying into the hogwash. Ignorant posts tend to attract more ignorant posters until several posters are sucked into the same ignorant vortex … usually spewing from the ignorant MSM. It’s not entirely these posters’ fault because the media and even elected officials and “respected” candidates for local public office seem so “credible” when they openly spew this stuff!