Ahhh, I find this thread re-a-llly interesting. zk, you brought up some things here that indicate that YOU have your own issues that you are bringing here which have nothing to do with tidiness or cleanliness. zk, are you comparing yourself here to a pedophile or rapist who is “tidy?” What does being a pedophile or rapist have to do with tidiness?
Wow. For the longest time, I thought you were pretty sharp, bg. But lately you’ve been posting nothing but scattershot, fire-from-the-hip, uninformed, off-the-point stupidity. Read Brian’s post, and then mine. Obviously I was countering Brian’s suggestion that a tidy person is superior in upbringing by bringing up a hypothetical person who was brought up to be tidy while simultaneously having a horrible upbringing. It’s not that complicated. But then, you’re not that smart.[/quote]
The issue, zk, is that you are correlating being “tidy” with criminal behavior. A person who possesses organizational skills and the motivation and perseverance to get things done (i.e. can properly manage their household) isn’t necessarily (or usually) a criminal, as you attest here. You’re bringing in lots of other criminal propensities which have nothing to do with being “tidy” or “clean.” Why you’re bringing these off-the-wall traits in here to compare with “messy people” is anybody’s guess.
What you’ve posted here shows that you not only were raised as a “messy person” (which is ok if you have the a partner who freely accepts that trait), but that you are on a very short leash at home.
If you are ok with that (after all you claim here that you’ve been through to get your property as you want it), then so am I. Far be it from me to judge the “tacit arrangement” you have with your “co-owner,” whether you are satisfied with it … or not.