[quote=zk]And perhaps your misunderstanding of how this works is also partly responsible for your suspicion of a cover up. If you think that each new case needs to be investigated in order to understand what’s happening, then you’d expect the government to be very interested in each new case. The reason they’re not as interested as you’d like isn’t because of a cover up. It’s because the science has already been done. Many times. At some point, you’re just wasting your time and money investigating something that’s already been proven incorrect. The government doesn’t want to hear about it if you suspect that you were cured by bloodletting, either. That’s not because of a cover up. It’s because the science has been done already.[/quote]
This was back in the late 90s/early 2000s when this was all pretty new and few studies had been done. It’s not just that the doctors refused to treat the patients, it’s that they didn’t seem the least bit interested in finding out what happened. Once the parents suggested a link between the vaccine and autism, the doctor refused to see that family anymore. Nobody followed up, no studies were done on their child, nothing. No government agencies (CDC, Dept. of Health and Human and Human Services, etc.) were interested in hearing about their case — these doctors and health agencies did not want to find out if there was a link at all. Yes, that sounds like it could certainly be a coverup.
If I were in the medical field and began hearing stories of children becoming extremely autistic within 24 hours of a vaccine, I would start working immediately on trying to find out what was going on. It took a few years of thousands of parents making an uproar to get anyone to take notice and begin doing any real studies.
Just to be clear, the only reason I even posted on this thread was because a number of posters seemed baffled as to why parents who are every bit as educated, intelligent, and wealthy as they are (or better…and this group includes a number of doctors and nurses, too, especially in the late 90s and early 2000s) would choose not to vaccinate their kids. I was just sharing a perspective that others apparently didn’t know about so that they could better understand it. Not saying that anyone has to agree with it, but hope that people can better understand other people’s perspectives and decisions.