[quote=Zeitgeist]What is bullshi+ SK, is that we have a president who cannot bring himself to clearly condemn as “terrorism” the attack against the Ambassador and his staff while they were in Benghazi. All your machinations and gyrations in support of his administration will not change it. Humpty Dumpty has taken a great fall.
Four-score Men and Four-score more,
Could not make Humpty Dumpty where he was before
“Owing in part to the inability of either the Libyans or the Americans to mount a serious investigation, American dissections of the assault on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi have become muddled in a political debate over the identities and motivations of the attackers. Some Republicans have charged that the Obama administration initially sought to obscure a possible connection to Al Qaeda in order to protect its claim to have brought the group to its knees.”
First, he did call it terrorism. The day it happened. The following day. And in the days that followed. Unless of course there’s some secret code I’m not aware of that make his words disappear, as if they were never spoken.
I guess what I don’t get is the obsession with the word terrorism. Maybe I do. It was the stupid “war on terror”. There is no such thing as a war on terror. There can’t be. You fight wars against enemies. Terrorism isn’t an enemy it’s a tactic. A tactic used by people who are desperate, fanatical, outmanned, and incapable of fighting a conventional battle, with either words or weapons. It’s used by scizophrenic junkies, by people pissed off at the IRS, by kids who have been bullied their whole lives, and by radical islamists who want us dead. As a practical matter it can’t ever be eliminated.
And the middle east and northern Africa is packed with those sorts of interests. It’s a tiny minority in a population of more than 600 million people, but it’s real and it’s not going anywhere. For what will probably be the rest of our lifetimes, we’ll be playing whack-a-mole. Al Queda is like McDonalds, except there is no franchise fee and no royalties. So these fanatical groups, by whatever name, will pop up everywhere, with their green star and crescents instead of golden arches. Some might be loosely affiliated with other groups and some will have no affiliation at all. And the only real tie that they may have to each other is that they want us and Israel dead. Insisting on calling them terrorists is stupid semantics.
They attacked and bombed a US consulate facilty. They killed a US ambassador. Calling it terrorism doesn’t change anything. Insisting that word is important is moronic. The war on terror SHOULD be dead. It never should have started. We need to fight our wars against enemies. Not tactics.