Not aimed at you. It was a back handed remark to a previous poster, who does not grasp geopolitics and always wants to go back to the default stuff about Bush et al. I just saw something about San Diego looking into all the medical marijuana outlets springing up lately, almost like .99 stores. I thought there might be a relationship. I know not everyone likes beer and wine. You are far too sharp to be a pot head. Some of the night time arguments wander off the res.[/quote]
Zeit: Well… You might have been surprised at me during my younger days, especially in high school.
As far as the tired old BushCo/Blood for Oil trope: It still hasn’t died, obviously. The interesting thing is: Where’s the evidence? What’s offered up is the same pap, time and again, but there’s nothing behind it. Like I said, I think some of it is genuine ignorance and some of it is willful ignorance, or the holding of a position in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
Much like the people insisting that Obama doesn’t have a valid birth certificate; at some point you have to admit that the evidence simply isn’t there, as much as you want to believe otherwise. I’d be happy to admit my error, but I’d like to see the evidence.
I think captcha makes a good point, in that it’s more realistic to believe that Iraq was about oil, because the other alternatives seem somewhat unbelievable, but I always fall back on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in that instance: “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”.