yuhtey, I’m firmly in the “boomer camp” and I don’t have time to sit on park benches staring at people. Nor do any of the boomers I know and I know plenty of them.
This thread reminds of the hundreds out-of-town posters considering transferring into SD County from OH, IN, TN and all manner of “flyover country” (even lesser-expensive parts of the east coast) on city-data.com.
They ALL seemed to have kids in school (or about to go to school) and wanted a ~3000 sf newer or new single-family home close to the beach with excellent schools for $350K. The moderator had to end up posting a “sticky” in there, in effect telling new posters not to ask stupid questions of the helpful-but-frustrated locals and be specific as to their actual new job location and actual price range because the good advice of the longtime locals trying to help them was falling on deaf ears. Many, many of these out-of-state posters were beyond delusional because they enjoyed a past vacation in SD so much and felt a “connection” to it. Some actually stated in so many words, “I was meant to live out the rest of my life in SD and will find a way. God will provide.” Most were undoubtedly bored housewives sitting at home at the computer while their kid(s) were in school.
Even though your stated price point is higher, you’re no different than these ignorant bozos. I take it from your posts that you transferred into SD County within the past 2 years with one or more kids in tow at the time and have been renting (a condo/apt)? I have a few questions for you:
1. If you knew you (and/or your spouse) preferred to live in CV when you moved here, why didn’t you buy something there at that time (instead of rent)? Prices have been inching up monthly for about 3 years now and by your own admission, you are now priced out of a SFR there … at least one which you will accept, lol.
2. If your agent has only been showing you listings in CV and you didn’t like what was on offer there, why didn’t you ask his/her advice on where you could get the house you wanted? If your agent has advised you on areas which would have what you are looking for, why haven’t you viewed his/her suggested listings?
3. Have you actually placed any offers on a home and if so, what was the result of those offers? (No addresses needed, here, but area(s) of listing(s) you placed offers on would be helpful.)
4. Do you intend to pay all cash for your residence purchase? (In many cases, this will make the difference whether your offer is accepted or countered by the seller(s) … or not.)
I’m flabbergasted that your agent keeps sending you new CV listings (as late as this morning?) and showing you “’90’s tract palaces” (which is what North County Coast or “NCC” is full of in your price range, btw) when you can’t stand them. Something is going on here that you’re not sharing with the Piggs. Either your agent is truly incompetent or you’re giving him/her different housing criteria than you’re giving us.
Please, do share, yuhtey, to help us understand your situation a bit better!