your goals are not mutually exclusive…just because we screwed up on banking industry claw backs (which you will find few on this post who will disagree), does not mean that we do not have to deal with the public sector unions. And as Brian has framed the conundrum (I can not believe I am agreeing with brian), necessitates either tax increases or benefit cuts. Even though you refuse to admit it (I am sure you or your spouse is hoping for a generous government dole), cuts need to be made. Or you can tax the rest of us into destituteness…
Frankly I am tired, and I think others are as well, of you not owning up to your self interest in this matter. My self interest is clear. I do not want to be taxed one more red dollar…how about you CAR?
One more note. Just because I seek more contributions and and end to public unions, does not mean that I want abusive pay of public servants. I want them to be compensated in line with the demand for the job. And if hiring well qualified fireman or policeman is as hard as you say it is, than pay them well. But the numbers of those who want these jobs does not bear your desired salaries, as indispensable as you say they are…
Is that enough parenthetical statement…I think I set a record.