You will need to offer at least 2.5% to the buyers agent if you expect to get the property shown regularly. Expect to pay 1% to a listing agent for minimal to no services beyond the 3 P’s (put it in the MLS, put a sign in the ground and pray). For 1.5 to 2% you should get a decent level of service. For the major brokerages expect to pay 2.5%.
I would stay away from the flat fee guys. This is a really tough market as you know. Decent agents took 4% last time because it was easy and they knew they would get paid quikly. This time around it will be harder, you will need a better agent and I’d focus more on getting the right help than the cheapest help. 1% is $15,000. Your house is probably losing that much value every 1 to 2 weeks. The right agent who gets your house sold quickly at a fair market price is worth paying for.