You will need a motorcycle license. You can take a written test. Pick up the book, read it, take the test, pass. This will give you a permit to ride. You cannot carry passengers or ride at night. I was okay w/that. Except the permit is only good for a year. So you have to keep taking the test every year and renewing it. Pain in the a$$ dealing w/DMV.
So I took the test on my Yamaha 80 (cheating) was real easy. Weaving through the cones is easy. I could do it on the Vespa. Riding in the tight circle w/out putting your feet down or having your front wheel go outside the line is a little of a challenge on most bikes.
Alternatively, you can take the CHP class for something like $250. I’ve heard many good things about it. You won’t have to take the DMV test. If you pass their course, they give you a slip, you go to DMV and voila, you have an M1. I also heard that taking the CHP class lowers your insurance.
Sounds like your commute will be a breeze on a scooter/motorcycle. Especially w/the backed up traffic going west from RB and heading back. (depending on the time of day you’re doing it)
I can say for me the scooter is liberating. I love my Audi, don’t get me wrong. But when I’m on that scooter, it feels like I’m giving OPEC the finger. Kind of a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing I’m not lining the pockets of oil tycoons in the Middle East.
It’s not that I can’t afford gas. It’s the principle. I don’t want to be a mortgage slave or a gas slave. Better things to spend the money on.