You need the owners names as they show on the docs. This can be done by plugging in the parcel number to the county tax site. (You can get the parcel number from redfin, zillow, etc.)
From the name you harvest from the county tax collectors site – you can go to the county administration building and look at the recorded docs. Or – you can order non-certified copies for $2-$3/doc… Depends on whether time or money is more important to you.
If the landlord has more than one property it can be tricky figuring out which trust deed goes with which deed.
But just looking at the county recorders website will show if they are a serial refinancer… If they refinanced every year during the rise of the bubble – chances are they’re underwater. Just an observation from doing this exercise on properties that end up at trustee sales.
If they purchased the property between 2004-2007 – assume they’re underwater. That’s just doing the math.
But – the landlords may be ok being underwater… continuing to pay their mortgage. You can’t really know if it’s an issue till you see a default or NOT show up on the recorders site.