You hardly know exactly what I’m saying. It’s kind of like someone learning a foreign language and having a bit of the vocabulary, but they don’t understand the language. If you understood, you would respond to what’s put forth rather than changing the subject ad naseum.
With this response, you’ve actually done a bit better, but you pick the words (vocabulary) that suit you. Different, life, plans. But you ignore the message: “Start with being honest to yourself about your goals as you understand them today.”
And *before* you buy a house just because it fits rent/buy at this moment. What, violate the rent/buy credo? Well, I could get a super awesome crapshack somewhere that meets your (our?) rent/buy criteria, but if I hate it, can’t wait to move where I’d really like to live, it probably ain’t going to work out to well for me — happiness-wise or financially. Extreme example, but I don’t know what to do until you really can understand what I’m trying to communicate to you
As far as trying to be optimistic for weberlin is concerned, you have to at least get the numbers right. I’ll stick with my advice that he learn about landlordship since that sounds like a road he’s considering.
And again, I feel for him, but it’s not horrible anyway (heck he could come out way ahead and I might be an idiot). But if I’m not, there may be just one or two lurkers who haven’t pulled the trigger yet.