You guys really take your SALES gig way too serious .. as i thought no one wants to have a civil sit down and discuss and show a few statements and im sure you discount the Wharton School of business article also so what can i say . No im not beethoven just a pretty good composer so when the local La guys ae ready lets go to my favorie rest/ steak house called Mastros in bev Hills and lets have nice meal and see whos really hiding behind a chatroon .. who knows maybe we can do a seminar together. The bottom line is there is a war going on between the insuance industry and Finra and all you guys have been indoctrinated into equities that you really cant see the forest thru the trees . at the end o fthe day here is only ONE thing that matters how did the client do . i get cards and letters from all over the world from clients when they travel thankng me for saving their retirement and oher assets. They dont care how much the Ins paid me .. They didnt pay a penny and the fees are only taken from gainds so what can be beter then that ,, Just tell me and ill jump on your wagon ,, Trouble is have NEVERseen it .. so i go in pEace and offer is always open.. and by the way Cricketin the grass god help your clients Im sure your stomach turns when your phone rings.. best of Luck