you guys must have missed my earlier post. the southern strategy is alive and kicking as esmith pointed out. Only way those losers dems could have won was if they picked former Gov Warner from VA or maybe, maybe Edwards from NC. But luckily they are too stupid and egotistic to give a damn about their party and let spoiled brats Hilobomba annihilate the parties chance. You think this Obama is going to pick up eldery voters in Fl? SO, Fl lost. Swiftboaters are coming, heard home depot is running low on nooses, Willie Horton posters are being printed, nobody wants those creepy foreigner muslim types in White House. (I could go on for days)
Only hail mary pass now for you libs is to pick Kansas Gov Kathleen Sebelius as VP and have an attempt on Obama by Clinton or Limb fan to get sympathy vote.
To libs:
I went to the Lee Atwater & Roger Ailes graduate school and learned that Winning is everything is losing is for dems. Dont hate me because I’m right, I’m just the messenger, hate your party.