I might get a bit emotional on this topic – that is true. But I wouldn’t say I am a lunatic, that is a rather strong word. Everyone who runs across me finds me both engaging and super nice. My mother-in-law thinks I am too nice and people take advantage of me, but no one calls me a lunatic! I think that, just as I have done HipMatt, that you are pretty angry with my views (as I am of jg’s), and that you got a little wacky with your attack on me. I do the same thing on the other side so I understand how it happens. Neither one of us likes the others view or beliefs (or lack of them) and of course no one likes their beliefs challenged. I of course have much less to feel paranoid about because I don’t have any beliefs which are based on faith and thus my only beliefs have to do with the real world.
The two guys I hang out with the most these days are both very religious, but we enjoy each others company and we are nice to each other. They both are awesome people, they NEVER spew the stuff that a JG does. We disagree about the existence of god and have some cool discussions about it – but they have great values (unlike much of the anti-social and anti-christian stuff that some on this forum express) even if we don’t agree on the existence of god or the dogma of Christianity.
Like Rustico I rarely run across vocal Christians who actually practice what they preach. The vast majority of non-vocal Christians are there for their families and the camaraderie – which seems like a nice thing for them – and it doesn’t affect my life in a negative way. The vocal ones use their faith as a weapon – and the sad thing is that it is in direct opposition to what I understand (ok HipMatt?) are the teachings of (I don’t think he was anything except a guy that got tortured for his very sweet philosophy) Jesus Christ (that also ok HipMatt?)
Bush does make me vomit, and of course his Evangelical Christian utterances, his immoral values, and his belief that JC told him to run for President make him an object of my derision, and of course since he has screwed things up so badly for my country – I have nothing but contempt for him and his cronies. That being said – I also have nothing but contempt for people who worship at the alter of Bush – to me they are morally bankrupt and/or have traded their values for validation of their fantasy – a dangerous and heady brew of socially destructive beliefs and behaviors.
Thank you LostKitty! You have faith and you (like Rustico) have stuck up for me (again). If all Religious people were like you, I don’t think I would be such an angry guy!
Rustico – that is an amazing story. If you were religious, Bush would be using you as an example of how people can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. You have overcome great adversity in life and you should be congratulated for it! It is sad, however, that we both share the idea that the most vocal and morally self-righteous religious folks are often of low morals, character, et. cetera. Religion doesn’t make people better or improve their morals, just as the lack of it isn’t a barrier to such.
Just a thought – but if we could put the religion back in peoples homes and places of worship, and out of politics maybe we can steer this country back to a path of moral values, and remove the self-serving pretend religious people that are unduly controlling it now.
p.s. jg – I never did graduate college! But I have completed 121 credits and dropped out in my final semester. My business partner has only 60 credits. School moved too slowly for me and I didn’t exactly have great study habits. Most all of the 140 professionals who worked for me did have college degrees, but our chief programmer (the guy who has maintained the code that I wrote) was a college drop-out Craftmatic bed salesman!
Also please don’t expect that I wait by my computer for your missives. I have a life outside of the blog but rest assured, I will always respond to you in time (or my friends will!)