Yes, we’ve all been there. Frustrated w/how the cities and State is being run into the ground, dirty beaches, potholed streets, sewer problems, housing affordability, etc.
But I still say Prop 13 wasn’t/isn’t the problem. Magicians in office is the problem. Since the inception of Prop 13, houses have been bought and sold plentiful and that means the tax is on the new value and increased accordingly.
I still say there’s a low percent of people still living in a Prop 13 home. And if they do any home improvements w/permits, doesn’t the value get reassessed? Not sure on that.
Anyway, since Prop 13, we have also the insurgences of back-door ways and roundabout ways around Prop 13, like Mello Roos has replaced it and Maintenance Assessment Districts. There’s plenty of money going into the machine, but the magicians are performing a disappearing act w/it.