Yes, post whatever you can remember. Do you think there is any significance in Bernanke admitting the problems in entitlements and account & trade deficits need to be addressed?
I thought his comments that “inflation will be contained in a couple years” was the most important thing that slipped out of his mouth. If I were a reporter, I would have made *that* statement the headline. He’s telling us that it is not contained now, nor will it be in the near future. How in the world people think he will stop raising interest rates is beyond me – does he really just want to fool us into thinking he cares about inflation? Do people who expect a pause know something I don’t?
When I listened to Bernanke’s testimony, I came away convinced he really cares about containing inflation *expectations*, and as of now, that is not contained, so he must keep raising rates. Am I too gullible?