Yes JP, I have read up on it.There were other influences from books read and people I have met along the way, but the most comprehensive argument for this point of view that I have come across is “The Truth about Addiction and Recovery”.
Scaredy’s comments about teaching or learning moderation(or not) at some cultural level are also covered in the book. Some individual people,even groups of people, are just better prepared by various kinds of histories, to become extremely addicted to something than others are,but probably without any genetic differences to attribute. Is bulimia/Anorexia genetic because it is largely an American Phenomena?
Belief that it is the ethnicity of the people , without an attempt to debunk with a study of culture/histories can create some self fulfilling prophecy problems that lead to this speculation/confirmation bias with regard to genetics and problem drinking, crack cocaine use or abuse of anything else. Alcoholism depends on weaknesses of all kinds, but the problem drinking is still a symptom not a disease.