Yes, interesting and terrifying ,BG. So many disaster scenarios.
A few months ago my 5th grader befriended a boy who, along with many siblings, is clearly being emotionally battered by his parents relationship and personal problems for all of his life.
We talk about it when he brings it up(my son). It seems like my kid is the confidant and shoulder to lean on. He talks about court battles going on and the divorce happened when he was 1!
So many kids could use some help. Scaredy, do you ever think of helping some kids out by raising foster kids? You have a lot to offer as far as I can tell . I think about it from time to time, the Central American refugee kid situation pushes me a bit. We are a bilingual household. I am afraid though. How would it affect my kids is the biggest concern. I think it would be fine for me….seems like very important work. My wife is very caring but also worried about changing the home front. By the time we are empty nesters we will be pretty old and probably have more excuses.