Yep wind farms do kill birds that fly into the blades and require servicing and cleaning. I am sure solar panels require plenty of cleaning as well. Similarly there are underwater farms as well that spin based on currents and tidal activity.
Natural gas needs the infrastructure as TG pointed out but it is nothing that cannot be overcome.
Here is an example. This year Bushie ponied up 168 billion as a “stimulus” package. Let’s see… I would bet that half of the people on this site didn’t even qualify for that money. Meanwhile since the announcement of the package in February the price of oil has gone up what 20%? 30%? Something like that. So here is a package that went to give everyone a couple hundred bucks so they could go buy more crap at Best Buy.
Perhaps it would have been better spent? So lets see, 168B from that… another 300B for the bailout…
Our government seems to think the way out of our spending mess is to… well spend more…. seems like we could be spending it on something that will really help our country down the line.