Yep, a relatively new program, and a bad one. They’re stopping it immediately because of a newspaper article/investigation. My guess is that someone from the inside blew the whistle on it. Good for them.
Note that many people who tried to go through this program did NOT get hired. Not sure why some were and some weren’t, but my guess is that most of the people who were hired through the program were qualified. Some bad apples got through the screening process, though some investigators/hiring officials apparently tried to stop some of them from getting through.
Let’s see what happens. IMO, it’s probable that people are going to lose their jobs over this. Not only that, but some people might end up being criminally charged. It will be interesting to watch.
Tell me, nsr: What would happen in the private sector (where you seem to think hiring standards are higher) if someone hired a friend or relative who wasn’t qualified for the job? Would their names be in the paper along with the names of the hirees and the disqualifying factors? Would there be official investigations? Would they lose their jobs? Would they be criminally charged and/or end up in jail?