yellowS2K, of course utpoundpuppy (a brand-new poster) and zk are happy about their investments in Carmel Valley. utpoundpuppy states he/she bought there ten years ago and zk states he/she bought there in 2002.
The prices they likely paid for a comparably-sized property you will ostensibly purchase for $875K to $1.1M was likely =<$275K to $425K for them. Your Mello Roos bond payments may last for 40 years while theirs may be for 30 years. And your Mello Roos payments may be higher than theirs.
The investment in CV that you are contemplating now will be far higher than what these two current residents made. Just keep this in mind.
Even though your spouse is due next summer, I don’t see the rush in making such a huge decision just to move in February. As long as she doesn’t do any of the moving, you could move later than that. Please take some time next week and January to thoroughly explore your options. SD County’s prices overall have come down significantly in the last three years and you now have MANY options in your price range. You don’t want to make a mistake because you felt you had to act too fast. What if you went into escrow on new construction and then a suitable property on LJ Scenic Dr came up??