Yeah we had a home inspection and he found lots of little things, but didnt say anything (or didnt notice) about the addition. I had no idea, even looking through the house 3 times myself before buying it. But I’m told the home inspectors usually dont notice or say anything or are obligated to say anything. It doesnt really matter because I dont have any money to sue anyone. Best I can hope for is small claims court or mediation, not sure which is better though. I’m told that mediation is also binding so if that doesnt go well I may not have much other recourse. I have every line item of inspector findings, many of them we already had our contractor fix as a show of good faith (and at considerable additional cost…we’re already in the several thousands) even though the inspector refuses to sign off on my project. I’m going to take the full list down to the city to try to reason with someone and show that we fixed, or are fixing, everything he cited us for, where possible. He even cited us for the bedroom window being 3/4″ too high and wants the entire window lowered. Except for when completely cost prohibitive (mostly the addition he wants torn down) we made many of his changes, so I’m gonna hope that gets me some leniency with someone down at the inspection office. But since we already tried the supervising inspector (who is even worse than the original inspector) I’m not sure who else there is to reason with, but I’m gonna try.