Yeah…my wife thinks it quite odd of me to be doing this…this bubble blogging thing has almost turned into an addiction for me. I applaud and encourage your efforts. My goal is to go to at least one open house a week now…perhaps even dropping in on one of those curious mid-week open houses on the way from one appointment to my next. You’ll get a kick out of this:
A friend of mine low-balled a McMansion via ZipRealty last weekend and got an e-mail from the Zip agent, encouraging him to stop wasting people’s time with such ridiculous offers..(750K for a 1.375M listing) He replied to her that the offer he made was based on where he expects to buy the house in a few years, post-Greenspan. Turns out..he engaged the agent in several e-mails back and forth, and learned that she is selling her OWN house in a decent part of North County Inland (asking price 950K to 1.1M, I think) and buying in a MOBILE HOME PARK to escape being house-poor. Can you f*(ing believe that???
I can only imagine what she’ll say to get her house sold. Anyway…my friend promptly put her in her place and told her “the train has left the station” for her asking price and that she better get used to seeing LOTS of ANGRY, DEPRESSED former real estate customers in the next few years.
By the way…my name “teatsonabull” refers to the uselessness of real estate agents…”useless as teats on a bull”, get it?