Yeah, I got screwed on that value pricing thing. The realtor said I should get $830K for my house, but we need to bring in the buyers doing the MLS search up to $799K, so we have to put in a value of 780-830. The buyer who found my house on the MLS doing a search up to 799 or 800K, will fall in love with my house and come up with the extra 30K. That was the plan.
This is how it really worked: the buyers saw I would accept 780-830, so why offer 830? Both offers were for 780.
These bottom-range offers came in December. Hasn’t this gotten out to all realtors yet? Isn’t the NAR and CAR supposed to educate y’all on this? You pay them dues, right?
Value range pricing basically is an invitation to get an offer on the bottom end. Why bother with the upper number? You’ll NEVER get it, and it just confuses people.