Yeah, I followed Obama’s trip and was reasonably impressed. He did well. I like that he kept clear of criticizing Bush too directly, politics stops at the water’s edge. That was Presidential. We need some post-partisan leadership.
Seems also this week, McCain & Co engaged the cynical lying sack-of-shit republican slime machine to start attacking Obama in earnest. I suspect the Dems are prepared this time around. McCain runs the risk of re-defining himself as a pathetic old man, which is a losing position if you ask me. The debates will be a big deal this time around.
BTW, those questions you had about Obama? There was an interesting article in the NYT a couple of days ago on his time on the faculty at UChicago, ConLaw professor, shines some insights on those questions you had. I think it actually validated some of the observations I made, that he didn’t seem like a leftie-liberal type to me, more of a pragmatist who sees both sides of an issue, good comprehension and analytical mind, looking to broker outcomes. My instincts, BTW, some of what I’m seeing is generational.
BTW, one part that caught my attention was how a conservative, federal appellate judge actually recommended him for the job at UC. Yeah, IOW, if he wasn’t running for President, righties would be holding him up as somebody they could work with. Obviously, that’s changed.