[quote=ybitz] I really want to help them out, but I don’t know if giving them money for standing at intersections is the best way. Will they use the money to buy drugs/booze?[/quote]
I’m currently in south east Asia, and in places like Cambodia to see a three year old begging is common place, and one is faced with the same dilemma. Do I give out money, and risk encouraging it and in so doing letting the government off the hook, or stand one’s ground in the (probably mistaken) belief that society, or the global community will sort out these problems? In the end, you just have to let your heart rule your head, because it is just too heart breaking to see. In developed nations, the choice may be narrowed somewhat by the existence of social safety nets, and to offer things other than money, may be the prudent choice, as cash is all too often used for alcohol and drugs.