Yes there are Boomers who live this life style too, maybe 5% or so.[/quote]
What lifestyle do you keep referring to? I think he’s just referring to ways of doing the same job more productively and creatively. I think in any job you can find ways to improve processes and/ technology to make your personal life better. Anyone can bitch and complain about anything, like that it’s only for the 5%, but not many can come up with solutions to why the other 95% can’t do it.[/quote]You’re asking so I’ll tell you. Gubments (incl police and fire agencies), utility and road workers, hospital workers, food service and hotel workers and any other worker position that is traditionally “represented” in CA doesn’t want to hear about all your “good ideas” to “save face-time” at work. H@ll, some of those employers still use time cards! Believe me, the wheel was invented before you were born and the “rulebooks” were written long ago. They’ve heard every excuse in the book why you can’t be at work today and have to “see your kid” in the middle of the biz day or whatever. If one of their “processes” could have been “improved” without the agency or dept suffering other ill consequences, it would have already happened. Employers are not in the business of making YOUR personal life better.
Sometimes I think millenials act as if they’re the only ones who ever thought that work tasks could be done more efficiently, lol …..