[quote=yamashi][quote=bearishgurl]No 74-year-old “slumlord” wants to bring his large checkbook into the Tax Assessor’s Office on April 10 with several checks stamped with a “check protector” totaling $68,274.42 and a list of parcel numbers, only to be assigned a clerk who will take 30 minutes to process the payments in front of him who is dressed like a hooker. I don’t understand how these gubment employees are getting away with this stuff …. :=0[/quote]
That’s what you get when you deal with government workers. Typically they don’t represent the brightest and best especially at places like that. Neither ones that work in retail, construction, fishing, and sanitation. There are a few like that movie Goodwill Hunting, but I would consider him to be an anomaly.[/quote]Actually, yamashi, I AM a retired county employee. And btw, we WERE “the best and the brightest!” I don’t know what happened after I “retired” but it appears their dress code has been “relaxed” for the millenials. I’m not sure why. They still have 50-400 applicants for each open position. Why do employers think they have to “cater” to what millenials want (relaxed dress code, flex time, telecommuting, 6-month long leaves granted without losing their jobs, etc)?
These same employers had no problem at all telling us boomers to pack sand if we asked for any of this.