Move on, folks …. there’s nothing to see here.[/quote]
Are you sure you didn’t speak too soon?
I have nothing intelligent to add to this back and forth on pensions, and no idea who is right, but I did notice an interesting article about how some (many?) of the changes are going to get reversed.
There IS nothing to see as far as the wishes and hopes of those claiming terms of CA gubment pensions already promised …. even decades ago, will change in any way, shape or form. Just ask the cities of Vallejo and San Bern, who have both filed for Chapter 9 BK protection in the past decade if they have gotten any relief from their already-promised pension benefits.
And I thank you for posting this link, XBoxBoy. I’ve downloaded it and what better time than the last night of 2015 to peruse this long-awaited ruling. I’ve got to step out at the moment but can’t wait to pour me a glass (or two, lol) and dive right into it. Yes, in Cali, the wheels of justice turn slowly … but alas, they DO turn, people.
I just have one preliminary comment. At first blush, the first page of the ruling is quite telling. The three labor-union charging parties in the ULP were repped by the very best, most experienced, influential and heaviest hitting labor lawyers in the state … if not the entire country. Don’t ask me how I know but suffice to say, I know this first-hand.
We’ve discussed this particular issues in the ruling here on the forum ad nauseam as it was actually taking place and before and during the time these landmark ULPs were filed. I’d have to dig to find the links but central to this issue (and righter than rain, despite his creepiness, which caused his ultimate downfall) was the infamous former SD City Councilman, SD Mayor and longtime member of the House of Representatives, Bob Filner.