WSJ clearly lays out that nuclear is NOT economically feasilbe without massive subsidies from Govt and/or ratepayers, and carbon Gore tax. It’s the Economics, Stupid: Nuclear Power’s Bogeyman
A new generation of nuclear power plants is on the drawing boards in the U.S., but the projected cost is causing some sticker shock: $5 billion to $12 billion a plant, double to quadruple earlier rough estimates. Acknowledging that historical costs for nuclear plants always doubled or tripled their initial estimates. So $12 billion is minimum cost for nuclear plant.
Cambridge Energy Research Associates Inc., a research and consulting firm in Massachusetts that is a unit of IHS Co, all types of power plants are feeling the pinch. Components and construction materials for nuclear power plants scored the biggest run-up in costs, up 173% — nearly tripled — since 2000. Most of that increase has taken place since 2005. Costs for turbines used to generate wind power more than doubled, at 108%, and natural gas-fueled and coal-fired plants saw their capital costs nearly double, up 92% and 78%, respectively.
If anything, the index likely minimizes the rising cost of building power plants, because it doesn’t factor in financing costs, and it doesn’t include fuel costs