Wright does demonstrate some bigotry in the clip Marion. He equates being European with all other types of “white privilege” producing conditions. Couldn’t be further from the truth or more divisive. He also race baits as when he uses the word Negro.He exalts himself when he mentions the dilema of being “not black enough” to your “own people”. He knows he and Obama have to amke ammends for that. He knows exactly what he is doing and he knows the psychology around being black and even not so black, very well. Reverend Wright knows he himself is practically a white guy.He is making fame and fortune off His exploitation of blackness,not so blackness, politics and religion. What he says is part and partial of this. It does all hurt Obama. Affiliation with this kind of person should, I guess hurt people when they are supposedly attempting to gain a position representing a broader population. Like I said I just wish it would have hurt Bush.I do think we will not get a better president if Obama is made irrelevant because of this situation. I mean we are going to get Hilary or McCain. In the long run “Change” really is not destiny(in the next four years) even if Obama were to win.
By the way there is a good documentary movie called “Black is Black Ain’t” that might be intersting to you along some aspects of this topic. You could probably get it out of the library system. Ken Video in Kensington probabaly has it for any “locals” interested in it.