Wowsers you are right. The previous owner who had it foreclosed on was the listing agent who tried to sell it for 1.1M. Kathleen Studer….
So it then goes to trustee sale and gets bought for a penny over and then right back on and sold. I wonder what it is pending at.
Yes we have been to many many trustee sales jave but we stopped going several months ago because of tightening margins, way way way increased numbers of bidders, and more complications coming from title issues and litigation. Furthermore the lenders are also tightening up on a 90 day seasoning rule, not all of them are but most of them are. So you have to hold it for 90 days.
However if you had 720k in cash around or wanted to find a hard money lender to loan you a few hundred k then there you go.
Yes the pros missed out on this one but someone is gonna make a quick 120k or more depending on what the previous property tax liens were.
Socal Business Partners LLC. They are regulars there.