Wow! What a thread. Very good points made by everyone. If I may speak on behalf of the middle class. I remember a time when being in a high tax bracket meant one was rich, no longer. Now I as a member of the middle class am in the high bracket. I was somewhat surprised that Countrywide approved us for a home loan when at the time I had consumer debt and my wife had 6 figure school loans to pay back. Fortunately for us our debt rates are low and she has like 30 years to pay it back. We bought approx. 2.2 times our gross income and are owners paying the same monthly payments that renters next door are paying. I personally would not have loaned us the money but I’m glad we were able to pull it off, as I’m now saving via equity more than I would be as a renter. We went FHA 3.5% down and were definitely put under the microscope, first time I’ve ever seen my wife cry on the phone. In the end it was worth it, now just need to convine her that solar is as good an investment now as gold was 4 years ago.