That’s funny Svelte… About the BLM comment cause its true! But all of that land that their house sits on use to be BLM land too!
The running joke when they started building out Green Valley and Henderson was the Mob bodies were going to start showing up!
There is nothing in that city for manufactoring… Which would be a prime place for a plant now… Plenty of cheap labor couple with zero corporation taxes…
There was two major manufactoring outfits there when I lived there. The Titainum plant and PEPCON. Which made the solid fuel rocket boosters. One of them blew up… Damaged my best friends house beyond repair and threw the nieghor lady across the street breaking her ankle.
Other than that Nellis AFB, and NTS (Nevada Test Site) was the other two big employeers and everyone else was pretty much in the hospitality sector… Of course when I grew up there was only 350K population…