Wow, thanks, it’s very useful, especially to know how other people dealt with it. Our daughter so far changed 3 daycares/preschools and 2 houses with no issue at all. We include her when we visit the most interesting potential houses for rent/buy and see/ask what she likes (or not) about a house. We personally care what she thinks about a place, but we don’t let her think she has a real say in the matter. She’s pretty easygoing and liked a good number of places we saw. So far she didn’t have any problems with those changes, but she was young. She is pretty outgoing and makes friends easily – so far. I realize though that this change is of a different nature that would come on top of a change of housing.
Good idea to time the school change with the transition from elementary to middle school. She would be told years before that she will have to make this transition, but she can still meet/keep in touch with her current friends.