Wow. I think moving all the time like that really bites, though I am glad you made money by selling your home a couple of years ago.
Can you check the landlord out a little more? I have been renting the same house for 8 years (and hoping for another 8, but each year is blessing) and the landlady has owned the property since the early 80’s. I am guessing it is paid off. She does not raise rent and even sent me a Christmas card this year!
If I recall, TG was having some problems too, regarding foreclosure on his present rental. (That was a funny thread too…TG you are a very funny guy)
TG, what did you decide to do? Wait it out?
Anyway, Desmond, maybe you could ask your future landlord/lady about how long he/she has owned the house, etc. Or search it up on sdlookup to see the last sales price.