Wow! I completely forgot about Pearl. I don’t remember Dixie Beer or Rebel Yell at all- had to Google it and still don’t remember it.
Do love the BBQ and the little road side stands on the side of the road. BBQ stands and tamale stands. Don’t know if the Health Dept had any jurisdiction, but it sure tasted good. Heck, I wonder if they even exist any more?
I’m also from Houston and then we moved to a little town called Montgomery about a mile north. Love that we had a rodeo team and you could bring your shotgun in your truck at school as long as it was visible on the rack. I think it was like that until I was a Freshman. It was never a political statement- it was just a way of life and a lot of the boys got up early to work on local farms and ranches. Tell your wife a fellow Houston transplant sends their best. Does she miss thunderstorms as much as I?