Wow. FLU that was a helluva analysis. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
I have a question about the “generations.” I know the birth years of the Baby Boom (1946-1964) and of the Millenials (1982-1994)…but the Gen X years are less clear to me. Anyone know? And is there a generation between the Gen Xers and the Millenials? I was born smack in the middle of the Baby Boom, FLU, and most of my co-horts were too young to have given birth to Gen Xers. All of the parents I know who are in their 50s (like we are) have Millenial kids (also called Echo Boomers). Our kids are in college or just starting their careers. There are, I believe, about 77 million Baby Boomers and 70 million Millenials…so you Gen Xers have got that going for you (in terms of your getting your Social Security and Medicare)!
Back on topic…I talked to a friend today about our own reassessment and she stunned me by saying that the house she and hubby bought at the absolute peak for somewhere north of $650K got reassessed last week to $400K!