Wow, didn’t expect to see your response over here in this thread.
For the record (and it’s easy to read in “Elections 2006” where it belonged), I never, EVER called anyone “Bible-beater”. I find it derogatory and inappropriate. I guess you missed the fact that I’m on your side (of religion that is, not handing the government control of our religious symbols).
I for one am happy Christianity is growing in China. I’m not sure why you thought I wouldn’t be. Fortunately, most of them that I’ve met know our constitution very well and are thankful we have the protection most other countries do not (especially one as censored by their government as China).
I realize that you are pretty galvanized in your desire to keep the cross on Mount Soledad. Again, I totally understand your position. I personally have no desire to remove anyone’s symbol from all public life (most private properties are viewable by the public). When you talk about government involvement, it becomes a whole different animal, that’s all. As innocent as it seems, that cross on that piece of property is a direct assault on all religion in this country. It’s unfortunate that it took an atheist to point it out as now it’s twisted into an attack on Christians.
When someone tells you they want to take the cross off the top of your own church… please call me and I’ll start the human chain myself. I believe you have the right battle, but the wrong war.
By the way, to comment on your topic here. I completely agree with you that consumption was way out of control and driven largely by equity loans. First time the savings rate was negative since the Great Depression. That alone should tell us something.