Wow, Costco, you fail to reply with anything substantive–just more rumor, conjecture and assumptions based on your little, partisan view of the world. Nice generalizations, too. Maybe Marion changed her name to Costco? Waste of time even addressing any of it at this point.
Coop: thank you for bringing this back to substance. I would love to know what people think the ramifications will be of his proposal. Sounds to me, at first read, to have a little too much regulatory meddling for my taste. The market really does need to adjust itself and the government needs to let the true pain run its course for things to correct themselves. On the other hand, I don’t want to see banks, credit markets and communities fall to ruin, either. Interested in thoughts on the subject. BO will have to be very careful how he engineers such a plan to provide for enough regulation to help without creating other unforeseen problems.
Does anyone out there have any projections on how such a plan would play out?