Wow AN, thanks for the link! Families making between $66K-$112K of TAXABLE INCOME (after deductions, 401K contributions, etc…) will receive a WHOPPING $223 more per year under McCain’s plan than Obama’s! That will go a long way towards making up the difference once our employers S***CAN OUR F***ING HEALTH INSURANCE after his hare-brained scheme to tax employers on healthcare benefits goes into effect. Of course he’s going to give us all a $5K tax credit to purchase our own health insurance. I’m sure that will go great for one of my relatives that is a type 1 diabetic and is totally uninsurable thanks to his unlucky draw in the DNA lottery. Without employer health insurance he is F***ED and so you will everyone that has ever had cancer, heart disease, or basically anything other than a cough. I had to get my own health insurance a few years back when I quit the corporate world and started my own business, and take it from me, it ain’t easy — and I’m healthy!
So yeah vote for McCain all you dummies. You’ll get an extra couple of hundred bucks a year that you can use to pay the interest on your CC bill after all those jetskis and crap you bought the last 8 years. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna have to go vomit because this whole discussion is making me ill…