Without really scoping the job It’s hard to say. Cost could go either way under varying circumstances.
How about asking them to do the minimum to pass inspection and giving you a credit? If you really are planning to turn around and do a ripout, It is still better to tell them not to tile at all even without a credit.It will be cheaper because of the ripout.It will also be a cleaner, faster project and less risky of damaging the things you want to keep. I think the builder can pass inspection with green board( water resistant drywall) and paint. Maybe they can get away with even less. I know in custom homes we can get the permit closed and occupancy, with lots of finish work remaining, either by the choice of the inspector or by pulling an inexpensive combination permit.
I have heard sometimes buidlers will sell the shell to certain buyers.This is from some distant memory that hasn’t been verified recently.
You have to figure out what the complications are worth too.